Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cuddles and Undies (or Lack Thereof)

That pretty much sums up my life this week.

We've all been sick. Mike started it and shared with the B-Man and me (thanks, babe). Brady was sick for about a day, then informed me "I'm feeling better. Daddy's better. Mommy's better." He was 2/3 right. I'm still icked up. Ah, who needs to breathe out of their nose anyway? So overrated.

I love these pictures. They are grainy and blurry and they just make me happy.

Did you notice the mittens? Here's a glimpse at the full ensemble.

I know, I know. Instant classic, right? He's definitely got his finger on the pulse of the fashion world.

Can I tell you something? I have a pretty nice camera. Not "professional" nice, but nice nevertheless. I haven't been using it much lately. I've been taking pictures with my phone. I almost always have it with me, it's small, and easy for self portraits, which I'm beginning to love. I have noticed I edit these pictures with a heavier hand than I do my "normal" pictures. I don't know why that is, but I like trying different editing styles every now and then.

We are still working on potty training and, by George, I think he's got it! I don't want to jinx myself or anything, but we have gone all week with no accidents and he just goes on the potty whenever he needs to go. Of course, being a boy, he waits until the last possible second, but hey, as long as he makes it! For the purpose of full disclosure, he has been running around the house all week with no unders. That's right. He's free-cheeking it. Who needs the hassle of underwear when you have to go, anyway?!

Besides, who can resist these cheeks?

Yes, he is wearing a hat. What's it to you?

Of course, I'm a fan of these cheeks as well.

I'm really loving this Embrace the Camera idea. Thursdays are becoming one of my favorite days of the week!


  1. These photos are hilarious! Too funny!!

  2. awesome! Love this post - it made me smile. Thanks.

  3. Great post! Your son is adorable! And congrats on the potty training!!! I'm working on that myself (well not for myself, but for my daughter ☺)

  4. Very cute pictures, you always can get some great shots when the kiddos are being PT'd. Hope that he continues to do well!

  5. those are great! my little girl is forever naked, but has to have her rain boots and a winter hat on.

  6. LOVE the photos!! What a cutie you have there! Sorry to hear you've been sick! Looks like you're all recovering nicely ;)

  7. Love the bare cheeks photo - so funny! We're about to start the PT adventure over here, too. Can't say I'm too excited, but a least maybe we'll get some cute photos out of it like you have! I drifted your way from Emily's ETC.

  8. Hilarious!!! He is too cute Ang! I really hope to see you guys before the kid turns 18!

  9. oh. my. lord. so cute! i cannot wait till my little man reaches the stage when he dresses himself in awesome ensembles like your little guys.

  10. Gotta love the batman outfit. oh to be that free again! lol

  11. Oh my goodness, the free-cheekin it pic is AHdorable!
